About Nightingale bird    

male NightingaleNightingale is a bird timid, but also and above all a symbol of loveLive in forests, preferably close to the water, but canAlso it is found in gardens and orchardsHis voice more melody but also more complex, and he sings in the early morning and night.Researcher have counted between 120 and 260 sequencesMore different experience or an attempt to attractMales FemalesUsually stop singing at night.This suggests that the famous nocturnal songUsed primarily female Taiortngzy this to attract theBerriesAnd spiders or small insects
Female NightingaleWings is between 15 and 20 cm and a height of about 16 cm and is brown Azn18-27gram.rahalhIf the legs with AlohmralveNestingIt takes place from May to June and is organized N'drokther nest of 30 cm or female Alord.otda
Four even five eggsIt is bluishOr greenishSlightly mottledIncubation lasts about 14 daysLiberation continue 11 to 12 days, after the trip and after a brief period in September,Ahajraly that sub-Saharan Africa throughStrait of Gibraltar


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