About goldfinch green

Golden Finch green of small passerine birds, these birds are found on a large scale across Europe, North Africa and South West Asia, it is mainly from residents, but some northern populations migrate south, as the presence of green goldfinch in both Australia and New Zealand.

 Golden Green Finch reach a length of 15 cm, with the length of the wing from 24.5 to 27.5 cm, which is comparable in size and shape to a bird house, but is characterized mainly green, with yellow on the wings and tail, female and young brown color on the back, Thick-billed and conical.

Goldfinch green feeds heavily on seeds, but also takes berries, used strong Minqara to break open seeds that feeds them year-round, winter may form groups with other types, and with the dwindling of natural seed stock at this time of year, and they rely increasingly on artificial food sources, such as bird tables.

Goldfinch green more widespread and common in all parts of Britain, in other places breeding goldfinch green group extends throughout the continent of Europe, northwest Africa and up the east to Turkey, strains exist in a very wide range of habitats, including the edges of forests, parks, gardens and farms coniferous and fences of tall shrubs.

Goldfinch green can be a big flocks outside the breeding season, which prefers the edges of forests and agricultural lands hedges and gardens with relatively dense vegetation cover for breeding, and builds nests in trees or shrubs, and the female lays Bash from 3 to 6 eggs.

Proliferation goldfinch green season in the spring, starting from the second half of March to June, the female lay eggs in early July, incubation takes about 13-14 days by the female, the male is Bngah young in the nest during this period, they are fed on insect larvae During the early days, and later on the seeds, the young leave the nest in about 13 days but can not afford to fly, feathers usually appears during 16-18 days after hatching, this type produces two or three birds per year.


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