About a bird parrot koktel There we initially koktail normal and find him clad in gray and on the wing, white patches of feathers and a face white in color and sometimes yellow, and the cheeks are no spot orange cover the ear and side of the face, there Alrozhela type, there are the white patches covered with his whole body with the colors gray, yellow, and also there type called grille and you'll notice that a very beautiful color with a color gray spots, white or yellow, and there Allotino also be his body white or yellow, net net. He also finds a bird koktel His white face, a characteristic that the spots on his cheeks the color white as well as feathers and white face. It is the most beautiful kind of these birds, does not say that the ...
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About goldfinch green Golden Finch green of small passerine birds, these birds are found on a large scale across Europe, North Africa and South West Asia, it is mainly from residents, but some northern populations migrate south, as the presence of green goldfinch in both Australia and New Zealand. Golden Green Finch reach a length of 15 cm, with the length of the wing from 24.5 to 27.5 cm, which is comparable in size and shape to a bird house, but is characterized mainly green, with yellow on the wings and tail, female and young brown color on the back, Thick-billed and conical. Goldfinch green feeds heavily on seeds, but also takes berries, used strong Minqara to break open seeds that feeds them year-round, winter may form groups with other types, and with the dwindling of natural seed stock at this time of year, and they rely increasingly on artificial food sources, such as bird tables. Goldfinch green more widespread and common in all parts...
Quail Information Quail is a small bird species of birds chicken is the only one among the chickens, which has the ability to fly, migration, and is considered quail pet, which is acquired in addition to the preference of many people raising quail because the meat delicacy in addition to eggs, today we offer some information for quail in addition to explain some details about the method of breeding quail. Quail is a small bird that live all over the world, especially in the forests and places that are spread by the trees and there are more than 15 different species of quail appearance varies quail depending on the environment in which they live, but in general it can be said that the quail is one of the birds plant eaters and animals ranging in length between 11-20 cm and the distance between its wings ranging from 30-37 cm and weight of quail ranges between 70-140 kg, the colors of quail feathers between brown and black, white and blue. Maximum speed that fly-by ...
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