About a bird partridge

Partridge (scientific name: Perdix) (English: Partridge) is a bird species of scalability and is classified under the old settlement, the birds of the world, and the birds of medium-sized average size is between the size of a bird pheasant and bird quail "quail", puts Partridge about twenty eggs and builds nest on the ground between the bushes and shrubs, as characterized by a lack of flight, ranging the length of this bird by type strain between 24-34sm.Resident birds in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East in the Eastern Mediterranean countries.
Live in small groups, being on the ground relatively quickly and when they fly issued Kalsfir wings noises and feeds on insects, seeds, flowers and wild herbs.Partridge Digajiat belongs to the family, which includes 48 genera, known types of 221 species, inhabiting all regions of the world. Among the common species in the family, civil chicken and chicken chicken Abyssinian Guinea-known and well-Qatta Shunnar, pheasants and quail and pheasant and chicken and water, and there are other similar birds scattered around the globe for the most important fisherman bustard.Partridge beautiful bird of birds favorite fishing when fishermen, like other birds, males as the most beautiful of females to the presence of black lines extending to the head above the eyes and there are several types of partridge including: Partridge sandstone and shale and Moroccan Nubian and Thami or Palestinian, Egyptian.


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