About Moroccan bird nightingale


 bird nightingale feeds on some seasonal fruits such as figsAnd portal and other fruits and

 bird nightingale

feed on insectsAnd is a professional in hunting insects and pounce upon aAircraft and with easeThe spread of the birdNightingale is spreading dramatically and resides in MoroccoIn agricultural areas where dense quarrel eating and waterBuilding AshashThe

 bird nightingale

build nests above the palm trees andUsed in the piece palm materials in the construction of the nest likeLev poles and palm trees where you

 bird nightingale

Wrap the nesting material and a nest RoundedReproductionThe Albulabl Pray Ghazlah very attractiveMove their wings slowly for 10 toAbout 30 seconds with ruffled feathers and the descentThe body forward in the direction of the ground somewhatWith open beak and which issued a mild voiceAfter mating the females laying eggsAnd be the number of eggs and eggs from 3-2These eggs are sprinkled any versicolorAnd dotted purple balloon and black alternatingMale and female on the lap of eggs after 15Day of Alrkd eggs hatch and alternating maleAnd the female on the rearing of young and dependent youngThe parents only after coming out of the nestThe difference between male and femaleThe male is stronger than its note and the female bodyThe male is larger than the female and the male isStop erect and female be more arousedFrom male to stand and be the male's tailTaller than the female for a cheek AlbulablColor eggs have zero less than VetohaColor zero tail and the males have maleThe tail of the female Mmoum be furnished some typeThe man mutilation be more obtuse than the male


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