About a bird Northern Cardinal     

       Cardinal bird of the most beautiful birds in the world and the type of bird species live in the north, particularly in North America and is one of the migratory birds. Bird Cardinal multicolored, a small bird-sized his beak short sharp Bhaoh cone with a red color is heavy and takes his face in black and wings longer than his body generally in length from 25 up to 31 cm circular form with nine blades lists some feathers coarse erectus, have a long leg . Its size ranges between 21 to 23 cm usually have a length of approximately 8.75 inches. Female birds can be distinguished from the male cardinal by brilliant red color with some black feathers extended when the eyes to the upper chest with Donna mentioned for the female, the female are characterized by either gray or pale brown and red tail and wings of color. Has a bird Cardinal beautiful voice consists of a set of clear whistles where the pitch will be in the first and last sapphires with a slow tone, as well as tweet Female Cardinal to give a signal to the stated date of catering to the nest contributes to the couple in the song phrases may prolong the female singing more and have most of the ferry Dona about above. Bird feeding on a variety of foods and include mulberry leaves and buds, flowers and fruits, insects and weed seeds, grains, worms and Obdhur sun, raisins, apples and bread and millet roundabout. Adopt Female Cardinal nest-shaped concave on trees where put 2 to 6 different eggs colors but usually characterized by cream color dotted brown between a period ranging between 11 to 13 days and continue thereafter male incubation for 12 days and is based both parents feeding young and the adoption of the female nest other preparation for the next brood and perhaps four Vksat Cardinal during the period between April and August each year, as the male defend Tzauge area or influence against other males to the point where he said he saw reflected in any reflective surface such as glass or water, it continues to fight with him for several hours. Similar to a bird Northern Cardinal Cardinal bird with his yellow beak.



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