About a bird Homing Man began domesticated pigeons about 5,000 years ago, and that was the bathroom of the slope type of Rock dove strain, the first bath was Astinash thousands of years ago, the original bathroom named "bath rocks" lived in ancient times between the cliffs and rocky shelves in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East, this type of bathroom features a turquoise blue. The ancient Egyptians were raising pigeons in the towers of clay and pottery, which is still used so far in the villages, where they found inscriptions multiple forms of the bathroom on the ancient Egyptian monuments. The bathroom and one of the most common birds in both rural and urban areas alike, and belongs to the bathroom to the family lies beneath about 49 species, and is distinguished from other other domesticated species easily upbringing and its resistance to many diseases of different weather conditions, and the feeding pigeons low cost, and educates the bathroom due ...