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About a bird Jasmine Name : common mynah - Common Myna And it is also called bird Jasmine name Gender : Acridotheres Habitat : found in the continent of Asia in general from Afghanistan in the north to the south and especially India, Sri Lanka, there is also in the Sultanate of Oman in large numbers. Kingdom : Animals Division : chordates Sect : Birds Rank : passerine Bird's very intelligent and a very good speaker even better than the African parrot. And his iron memory and captures the words at a phenomenal pace And become friendly and pet after training nutrition Meal worms - cut fruit - Al Khobar soaked with water private dining enamel (which is sold in ready-bird shops)
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The easiest way to know that the egg is fertilized or not. Peace be upon you for knowing that the Canary bird egg is fertilized or not fertilized must provide the phone with a place of light and put it in a protective cover to put the egg in the space lighting and remain Tabuth and thank you for follow-up.
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تشميس طيور الزيبرا فينش / Solarization birds zebra finch The solarization process birds of all kinds, whether zebra finch or canary or the goldfinch etc. They are very necessary for them because it gives them a glitter of blades and provide them with energy and vitality and activity so you Bchmas birds once or twice a week.
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طريقة تبديل عش الكناري و هذا ضروري /Way switch Canary's Nest, and this is necessary With regard to changing the Canary bird's nest is a very important and necessary when the chicks out of the egg, because if you do not change the nest will consist of insects suck the blood of chicks as you saw in the previous video, so you must change the nest Nest another clean and thank you for follow-up.
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شاهد لماذا يجب عليك ان تغير عش الكناري / See why you should change the Canary Nest Hello. In this video, we note why should I change the bird's nest Canary reason behind this process is the insects popsicle blood, then you have at the moment of its existence as spraying insecticide in the video and thank you for follow-up.